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Core Principles

This project is designed to help you build a spiritual worldview based on the teachings of Scripture -- to make sense of the relationship between heaven and earth, the visible and the invisible. To that end, here are seven basic building blocks of such a spiritual worldview. Far more could be said, to be sure! But these seven principles are a helpful starting point for discovering the spiritual significance of our daily lives.

Principles 3-7 will be shared over time, as we explore each concept with guests on the podcast.

Principle 1:

The spiritual realm of the Bible is real, even though it is normally immaterial.


Principle 2: 

God created our earthly realm to reveal himself and the spiritual realm to us.


Principle 3:

Coming next...


Principle 4:

Coming soon...


Principle 5:

Coming soon...


Principle 6:

Coming soon...


Principle 7:

Coming soon...

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